Tuesday 23 May 2017

Date night

Friday night and the week is done. I get that all important phone call, "do you want to go out for dinner".

Me, "yeahhhhh."

Date night, time to get dressed up and go go go

Now to choose a restaurant. This bit is very important.

  Somewhere that is a grown up place, (you know the one, where little people aren't)  has comfortable seating, low lights and soft music.

And most important what do we feel like eating.

Steak was on our minds, we knew just the place to go.

Somewhere that has sweet little wooden bowls with wedges of ice berg lettuce and salad dressing of your choice

Somewhere that has baked onion, they give you a huge wedge of it. So tasty.

Somewhere that has perfectly cooked fries.

Somewhere that has a rich, full-

bodied sauce. I have tried the pepper sauce and the bernaise sauce.

Somewhere that has steak that is cooked to your specifications. Scrumptious steak that shouts eat me. That has perfect taste and aroma. We have tried both the rib eye steak and the bistro rump.

Every time we have been there the food is consistent. 

We know the minute we sit down that the food is guaranteed to be memorable, satisfying and filling.

ohh... they serve really good coffee.

Miller & Carter, Kidlington.  You need to visit.


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