Thursday 22 June 2017

Meeting the inlaws


My sons love good food and whenever we eat out with them they always open the door to a new eating experience.

So when the call came to invite us out to meet the new in laws,  I was excited not only to meet the parents of a girl that has won our hearts but also to see what gastric wonder he has found and wants to share with us.

Chester Arms in Oxford is the place, it is off the main road and you will have to park and walk to the restaurant. I suggest parking in Iffley Road, between Aston Road and Magdalen Road. Walk two block down Chester street and the pub is on your left on the corner.

It is a busy place but it seems to flow and the staff are really friendly, very bohemian. In fact that is the feeling you get once you walk in, it is very relaxing and fun.

We were shown to a table and we all settled down.  Well, settled down sounds calm, take one Irish family and one South African family it is going to be noisy. All the old jokes come out. It is great to build memories with your family and new extended family.

We ordered the steak platter, Gary had bigged it up so it was a no-brainer. Besides we are big meat eaters. Bread and olives arrive and we all get stuck in.  The bread is home made, it is light and a good accompaniment for dipping in the olive oil. There is also a pesto that was so divine, there was a scramble to get the last bit in the bowl.

Before the mains arrive they bring a box to the table and you get to choose your steak knife and fork.

The main event arrived at the table and it was spectacular. It looked so appetising, I mean none of us could wait to dive in and taste the flavours. To see if it tasted as good as it looked and smelled. 

It was better than expected, the meat was cooked medium rare, tender and moist. The best part, a mountain of meat. The chips had all the juice from the meat soaked in. It was hard to stop picking at the them. Cabbage, bacon and  salad were the extras. But the star of the dish was the meat and the chips is a very close second. It was very satisfying to be able to reach out and have another piece of steak. This is a great way to share with others at the table and it keeps the conversation flowing because what else are you going to do but discuss the show stopping flavours that just keep coming.

A slow walk back to Gary's house to keep the calories down.  A perfect evening.


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