Tuesday 5 January 2016

It is a dry peice of bread

3 January2016
Café Rouge

Gift card for café rouge, and we find ourselves in the car heading down to Brighton for lunch.   

Café Rouge in Brighton is on the marina and the view from the restaurant is great. The wind is blowing and the sail boats in the basin are swaying back and forth.  The sun is shining which makes the water sparkle.
Perfect setting for a meal.  The food was well presented and the fish was cooked to perfection.  The prawn starter was amazing. Peter had lamb and I had a little taste of the mash and gravy it was really good.

With that in mind a week on and we are on the park and ride bus into Oxford with discount vouchers received from our previous meal at café rouge to give what was a delicious meal another try.

We ordered , TEMPURA MOULES (crisp mussels with smoked garlic & lemon aioli) ,
CHAMPIGNONS À L'AIL(mushrooms in a cèpe & garlic cream sauce on grilled rye bread)

The description is from their menu, and you will see why I was confused and had visions of soft fluffy French pancake filled with creamy mushrooms. It was not to be, I got … well look for yourself. 

Yes the menu says there will be a piece of dry rye bread but surely you  can also see the mushrooms in a cepe & garlic cream sauce. I now know that a cepe is porcini mushroom.

So at a quick glance mushrooms in a crepe !! 

I sat looking at my non- crepe, this dry piece of bread with mushrooms plonked on top with no attempt to make it look cheerful. No sprinkling of parsley or even a garnish. I muster up the will to at least try it. it ended up on the side of my plate being ignored. 

Pete said I was being unfair so I placed my non-crepe on his plate.  He took a bite and put it back on my plate with "it is a dry piece of bread"
"Well done Sherlock", was my response.

DEMI POULET (half roast chicken marinated in thyme, garlic and black pepper with wild rocket, frites and thyme jus)

We ordered two of the main meal. There was thyme in one piece of chicken and the gravy tasted like beef. It was strange eating chicken with a beef gravy, (without a hit of thyme.)

And to wrap things up

At least I now know what a cepe is and I stand by the confusion, why would you put mushrooms in a mushrooms sauce?


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