Tuesday 3 January 2017

Penny Black

Saturday lunch and we are out shopping in town. Yes you guessed right, we were looking for a place to go and sit, put things into perspective and of course enjoy a meal worth paying for and remembering.

We stood outside Sainsbury's ticking off the places to eat in Bicester. Could not come up with a solution which left us with the Penny Black. Pete had mentioned before that one of our neighbours had said that the Penny Black served a good meal. He goes there for breakfast over the weekends. We always thought that it was more a drinking pub but we decided it might be worth a try.

We got to the stair way to the entrance and there is people outside smoking and I groan inside. Reaching for the door I am thinking this is going to be a disaster.

The first thing that hits you as you walk in there is a lot of people inside having a good time laughing, chatting.  As we looked through the room to the back there is a lot of dinners. Must be a good sign right.

We find a table at the back of the pub and have a  look at the menu, it is a large menu as is expected. we both decided to try sirloin steak, well the price was good. It was worth a try.

Pete went to put our order in, he met one of the boys mates and he said "to us this place is like slumming but we would not be sorry as the food is really good" apparently we are posh.

Looking around the place is not very clean and the table we were sat at looked like it needed a wipe but we were committed now, so we sat back to wait for our meal to arrive.

I looked good, the usual suspects was on the plate. Peas, mushrooms, half a tomato and chips. The steak looked tender, time to put it to the test.

The steak was streaks ahead of any I have had in any well organised smart restaurant.  Tender and cooked to perfection, exactly how I like my steak. Add to that a generous amount of pepper sauce, with a smooth rich flavour.

If you don't mind a busy, slightly untidy space, I recommend going in and having a sirloin steak, it is worth it. On the plus side the bill will make you smile. It is a winning combination, good honest food and a small bill. I recommend giving it a try. 



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