Friday 27 November 2015

From Oxford to the African skies

Saturday, 07 November 2015
We made our way to Kasam ( Oxfordshire ) to go see Spectre, and have a lunch as we were quite early for the movie.

Going up the escalator there was a faint but pleasant smell of curry. We booked the tickets and made our way back down in search of food. And the lovely smell that was so inviting

The name of the restaurant wa! curry with a cause. I know it did not make sense to me either.

I have so much information to share and have started this sentence several times.

So I will start with walking into a calm efficient environment, being greeted in a warm friendly manner. There is no pressure as the food is self service so find a place to sit, and off you go. There are 10 starter choices and 10 mains. There is salad bar and of course the fridge with the jelly and ice-cream.

The taste was everything the aromas promised and more. You have to try the onion bhaji they are perfect, not those dry awful things that pose as one. I had the lamb korai, it was perfect ( I know I have used that word in the last sentence but it was) , I had the prawns too, they had a great tomatoe sauce with some good flavours. There was a choice of two types of rice and nan bread.

On the table was a leaflet that gives 10 reasons to go wa! I will leave you to explore this on your own.

Here comes the care bit, the restaurant donates money to Ugananda to enable the pucahse of  land and teach children how to grow the food needed to feed the villages. Suubi community project -Uganda, is the search to see where the care bit comes in.

Even if you are not going to the cinema go and have a meal that does not cost a fortune and tastes beyond good. The best is knowing that you are helping someone else enjoy a meal somewhere under the African skies.

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