Monday 30 November 2015

Smoke and mirrors

28 November 2015

First impressions count. Walking through the doors of Jaffalong in Bicester it offered a pristine

and calm place to settle , enjoy a chat and a light lunch . A place to unload the shopping bags and allow the waiters to direct and guide you through  the steps of ordering, thus started the smoke and mirrors.

Poppadom and dips ordered. They are delivered with a flourish. Several dips to try, and I remembered the red one from a previous visit a couple of years ago.  When the waiter came to clear away , I took advantage to ask what ingredients went into making the red dip. He was happy to share: tomato sauce, garlic, onions and mint. I was given permission to share the recipe on this blog with you. Give it a try when next you need a dip and let me know what you think.

Time for the main meal, the lamb korai and the sauce for the King prawn biryani was placed on the table , with steam rising from the bowls. The oval plates of rice arrived next. To be fair it all smelled heavenly.  The biryani tasted very nice , but the temperature did not match the illusion placed in front of me a few moments before.  Pete's lamb had a bitter taste, the pieces of onion and green pepper were so large and barely cooked through. Yes it too had not lived up to the magic heat it first displayed .

As we watched the magician reach out and take the currency he felt was his due,. We both woke from the spell, and remembered why we had not passed through  to a place frozen in time.

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