Saturday 23 April 2016

Le Pain Quotidien - Breakfast

Its Saturday morning, and I was asked if I would like to go out to breakfast. Could not refuse, so off we went in search of  a perfect egg, a good cup of tea.

It was still early about 8:30 and not much was open, We headed out to Bicester Village and LPQ was open so there was no competition, the die was cast. We were going to  see what a organic breakfast will look like.

Well it look good.  We ordered baked eggs with Chorizo sausage and one with salmon and dill. As you can see on the right it was presented in a really cool way. It was so delicious, and was so much fun eating the food out of the cute little cast Iron pans.  The eggs were served with sourdough bread which is their speciality. 
It was a still  and quite as the Bicester scramble had not started, The sun was out and they had soft gentle music playing. All the elements of a relaxing and most enjoyable meal. 

And the best bit is getting tea served with a bowl to drink out of instead of a cup.  It cannot be helped but to smile when the bowl is placed before us as we already knew how comforting and special it is to fold your hands around the bowl and blow to try and cool  the steaming tea and take a cautious sip. Heaven!!

I cannot wait for another invite for breakfast, because another visit to LPQ would defiantly be on the cards. Yummm

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