Tuesday 3 May 2016

The Pickled Ploughman - Adderbury

What walks on 4 legs in the morning 2 legs in the noon and 3 legs at night?
A riddle posted at the bar of The Pickled Ploughman.

It is 1pm and the Pickled Ploughman is quite and peaceful.
We found a seat tucked away from the bar with views of the fields of yellow that flow into the distance as far as the eye can see. Drinks have been ordered and placed on the table.

We discussed the menu at length. After a while we noticed that fifteen minutes had gone by, still no server to take our order. The decision was made to go and put our order in at the bar ourselves.

At the bar we were told that they would come and take our order at the table.  Another  twenty minutes had gone by so we got up  to pay for the drinks and leave.

As you can see on the right, they took our order with promise of the food being brought to our table post haste. Which it did and it was really good. Potatoes were perfect and the meat was just the right colour pink, tender and tasty. The bowl of vegetables were a  surprise, one that had to be repeated

The menu had a two course or 3 course for a set price for each.  I choose the mains and a pudding. Glad I did it was superb Cream Brulee with ginger at the bottom  of the cup. It worked and was very satisfying.  If you are a pudding eater I would recommend it.

I would suggest that if you go sit in the front of the bar were you can be seen to avoid the same experience we had.

It was a very satisfying experience and would defiantly go back.

If you go let me know what you think, and enjoy working out the riddle.

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