Monday 13 November 2017

Why does coffee get all the love and attention

Friday night and it is time to catch up with friends.  Andy said that after having read this post two years ago. He went out and bought a tea pot, loose leaf tea and tea ball infuser. After being encouraged I thought a re post was on the cards and hope we will all give tea more love.

Why does coffee get all the love and attention
My birthday, and I am being treated to breakfast at a new restaurant at Bicester village. The smiley waitress offers us our choice of any table we would like to sit at. Yes the whole place was empty. You would think that there would be alarm bells going off about now, but no we sit down and confidently order tea for me and cappuccino  for Pete.

Tea is really important at breakfast time, has to be English tea, made with consideration, ritual if need be and served with care and the best china. The milk needs to be added  a little by little, to get the right colour. And then can be sipped cautiously and enjoyed.

Coffee arrives at the table and there it is the fan fare afforded coffee, the light feathery pattern on the top of the milk suggests this will be a perfect drinking experience. Lucky cappuccino .

Tea arrives, a class was set down, no delicate cup to hold and enjoy the experience of drinking tea. I soon realised the tea bags and there was three of them were rung out dry, they were dead no life left in them.  When I asked to have it changed, smiley argued with me when she returned with a fresh pot, that the three bag pot of tea was in fact OK.

The meal was as bland and lifeless as the tea.

Next day off we go to Banbury and decide to stop for a cup of tea. Now I did not think it could get any worse than the day before , was I wrong. Again the mantra of one cappuccino and one tea.
The glorious cappuccino arrives, large cup and all light and fluffy inviting and enticing for the coffee drinker to indulge.

Tea arrives..... It was in a cup this time no tea pot. A large cup with tea poured in (no tea bag). It was filled to a quarter of the cup, no milk , no spoon. And it was cold. I looked at this and felt so sad , why oh why does cappuccino get all the love and attention and here sits in front of me the most unloved half hearted, no half would be more than was in the cup, effort.
Two things happened really quickly , much to Pete's
dismay. The tea was returned and I asked for my money back.

When we got home I put on the kettle and lovingly set about preparing the best cup tea.

Good tea is not just a hot to drink. It's a beverage that's steeped in romance, ritual and history filled with everything from quiet ceremonial tradition to modern day busy life. 

I hope you can find your quite moment and take time to  enjoy the aroma and taste of a good cup of tea, whatever is your perfect setting.


Thursday 24 August 2017

Tupperware dilemma

I went into the kitchen packed the dish washer and decided that I needed to wipe down the tiles. Then I took the bits and peices hanging on the walls and they needed a wash. Which meant that shelves and draws needed clearing and wiping down.

Bin bag time,  I was going along, content with the fact I was getting rid of a lot of junk, you know stuff you put in a draw just case. 

Then... I opened the plastic container draws, yes draws. I am that attached to my Tupperware. I always think that  lid that has no bottom is going to turn up. It is like socks you always put a pair in the wash and only one ever comes out the machine.

But I was in clean out mode so all the lids that don't have bottoms out, bottoms with no lids were going  to be binned. I was feeling really proud of myself. I was on track to a clean and tidy kitchen.
Then it was time to pick up the bag and walk it down the path to the blue bin.  Well walk of indecision, should I turn around and take my beloved Tupperware out the bag and replace it back in the draws I had just emptied. 

I feel I need to explain. There are lids that belonged to bowls that used to store baby food in. And that milk jug but isn't, never used it but you don't know if that occation arrived when you might need the jug looking thingy. What about that cool green lid, I might find another bottom for it. 

No, I had to be strong. I can do this. I reached the blue bin lifted the lid and paused for a  second. I let the bag drop. I did it. I had to walk back inside quickly and not turn around. 

It is a new day and I find I can live without the all the plastic that filled the draws and caused a lot of frustration when trying to pair a lid with a bowl. 

I am free.... to place my new babies I bought with matching bottoms and lids in the draw now allocated to plastic.

Friday 18 August 2017

Buckingham Tea Room

We had a meeting in Milton Keynes, so we left the house early with a view to have breakfast on route. A detour through Buckingham was on the cards

I spotted a cute tea room and the lights were on. We had to wait for them to finish cleaning the floor, we were that early. Just looking through the window I could not wait to get inside and look around.

15 Minutes later we were sat at a table by the window, time to sit back and take in the décor. The first thing that you come in contact with is the feeling of the soft fabric that is the table cloth, it is so old world and perfect in the setting. The napkins match.

I choose the table not because it was by the window, it was the beautiful tea set on the table. I loved the orange colour with navy blue and the gold just gave it a richness. I had to have my tea in this cup. 

The menu is a work of art, after we made our choice of eggs Benedict and eggs Florentine. we spent a lot of time looking at the menu.  There is a section that gives information on different teas.

We loved having tea in the beautiful tea cups.  It makes a huge difference sitting at a table that is dressed to perfection.  And having fine porcelain to drink out of.  It is a very calm, pleasant place to sit and while away a couple of hours.

Jaruchi ( the welcoming, lovely lady who owns the tea room and the author of the menus)  pays attention to the smallest detail. The salt and pepper cellar are Victorian and have labels attached so you know which one is which.

Breakfast arrived ......

The best way to start the day, a good cup of tea and indulgent, perfectly cooked eggs.

The muffins have to be thin not too thick and warm - tick

Wafer thin ham - tick

Eggs, must be poached, soft and runny yolks - tick

Next hollandaise sauce, rich, creamy, lemony butter sauce. - tick

Breakfast was perfect and the experience was elegant and welcoming.


Friday 14 July 2017

George Street Social, Oxford

We have a secret we have been holding onto and really not wanting to share it.  But I am in a predicament, I like to write about good experiences both in travelling and of course eating good food. So I am going to share.

A busy Saturday and we had made the journey into  Oxford and after doing what we had set out to do our thoughts turned to brunch. We considered our options and the usual suspects like Macky D not going to happen, well you get the idea. Wondering down George street we came across George Street Social.

My first thought looking through the window was a hiddy hole for students, happy boisterous young people who can talk in very squeaky loud voices. And lots of  spontaneous laughing at anything.

But on closer inspection, there is also such an interesting décor that I just wanted to go in and experience. This realisation happened while Pete was checking the menu to see if it met all requirements , tea then eggs.  In that order.  And it ticket all the boxes.

It very busy and we had to find our way upstairs to find a seat. I mean just look how they are decorated. I love them, if I had stairs like that I would be up and down them all day long. The play on words works makes you smile.

 They have this system of reserving a table, a time and name written  on piece of  brown paper placed on the table.  We found one that was needed at 2 so we were able to use it till then.

Once we had made our choice from the menu and while Pete went down to the bar to put our order in. I took the time to take in the surroundings.  

There is so much to see there is two large lampshades,  made out of post cards pegged in rows with little pegs. They have used one picture on each lampshade. A very good idea. There is so much to see, collections of Lego in bottles. Old toy cars. Very interesting.

There are people sat with computers open and couples chatting.  There is a group at the top end of the room, the girls have flowers in their hair and the shortest shorts ever, a lot of happy people about.

 It is a relaxed atmosphere,  great place to sit and wait for your tea to arrive and brunch. Watching people going up and down George street.

Tea arrives not enough water in it. It must have stood for a while before it got to us as it is so strong. I would have preferred a pot of tea you can control how strong and levels. But I soon forgot about the tea when the poached eggs and bacon arrived. 

It looks perfect.  The eggs could not have been cooked better if they tried. We have been back and the standard is consistent.  The bread is not heavy, it is light and tasty,  There is chives sprinkled on top and another herb, it tasted like coriander.  Whatever it was it worked with  the dish.

If you go in and have brunch at George Street Social let me know about your experience.


Thursday 22 June 2017

Meeting the inlaws


My sons love good food and whenever we eat out with them they always open the door to a new eating experience.

So when the call came to invite us out to meet the new in laws,  I was excited not only to meet the parents of a girl that has won our hearts but also to see what gastric wonder he has found and wants to share with us.

Chester Arms in Oxford is the place, it is off the main road and you will have to park and walk to the restaurant. I suggest parking in Iffley Road, between Aston Road and Magdalen Road. Walk two block down Chester street and the pub is on your left on the corner.

It is a busy place but it seems to flow and the staff are really friendly, very bohemian. In fact that is the feeling you get once you walk in, it is very relaxing and fun.

We were shown to a table and we all settled down.  Well, settled down sounds calm, take one Irish family and one South African family it is going to be noisy. All the old jokes come out. It is great to build memories with your family and new extended family.

We ordered the steak platter, Gary had bigged it up so it was a no-brainer. Besides we are big meat eaters. Bread and olives arrive and we all get stuck in.  The bread is home made, it is light and a good accompaniment for dipping in the olive oil. There is also a pesto that was so divine, there was a scramble to get the last bit in the bowl.

Before the mains arrive they bring a box to the table and you get to choose your steak knife and fork.

The main event arrived at the table and it was spectacular. It looked so appetising, I mean none of us could wait to dive in and taste the flavours. To see if it tasted as good as it looked and smelled. 

It was better than expected, the meat was cooked medium rare, tender and moist. The best part, a mountain of meat. The chips had all the juice from the meat soaked in. It was hard to stop picking at the them. Cabbage, bacon and  salad were the extras. But the star of the dish was the meat and the chips is a very close second. It was very satisfying to be able to reach out and have another piece of steak. This is a great way to share with others at the table and it keeps the conversation flowing because what else are you going to do but discuss the show stopping flavours that just keep coming.

A slow walk back to Gary's house to keep the calories down.  A perfect evening.


Monday 5 June 2017

The Upton House Estate

It is one of those perfect sunny Sundays, not to hot, a slight breeze. The country side looks serene  Fields are green and bright yellow. Dotted with sheep lazing in the shade or wondering around grazing. 

Passing through villages admiring the cute cottages with well kept lawns, the flowerbeds a bouquet of colours.

Upton House is our destination.

As it was our first visit we were looking forward to the experience.The tree lined drive leading up to the house was an easy stroll, then onto exploring the house.

We did the tour of the house, there is an amazing collection of paintings, but the house itself has been stripped of all its character. A previous owner decided to remove all original ceilings, walls and pillars and put in its place a 1920's look. It looks like a modern art gallery inside. I was not a fan.

After the tour of the house we made our way to the pavilion and lunch. 

We sat in the garden waiting for our roast dinner. It is a lovely place to sit and contemplate life. So relaxing in the shade of the trees, with the birds singing and cool breeze blowing.

Enjoying a cup of tea, a drink Pete has learnt to enjoy. I could never understand the fact that he would only drink coffee. Now he will have tea most of the time.

Roast has arrived, it looks  lovely and the plate looks so pretty.

But it is all about the taste.

I like my vegetables to be al dente, but raw is another story. It is a pity as the mix of sweet potato, butternut squash and red onion would have been really nice if only they had cooked it a while longer.

The broccoli must have just been passed through the boiling water. It was just to hard to eat.

Some of the potatoes where OK, but the same as the other vegetables just not cooked enough to eat.

The lamb was good tho, and more than enough to make up for the vegetables that were not edible.

The gravy was tasteless, not thickened at all. And the Yorkshire was nice (pretty sure it was the ones you get in a packed).

I did have an amazing ice cream after in a little carton. Honey and pieces of ginger in a vanilla ice cream.  A good combination.

As roasts go not the most amazing, but it is worth the visit as the atmosphere is lovely.


Tuesday 23 May 2017

Date night

Friday night and the week is done. I get that all important phone call, "do you want to go out for dinner".

Me, "yeahhhhh."

Date night, time to get dressed up and go go go

Now to choose a restaurant. This bit is very important.

  Somewhere that is a grown up place, (you know the one, where little people aren't)  has comfortable seating, low lights and soft music.

And most important what do we feel like eating.

Steak was on our minds, we knew just the place to go.

Somewhere that has sweet little wooden bowls with wedges of ice berg lettuce and salad dressing of your choice

Somewhere that has baked onion, they give you a huge wedge of it. So tasty.

Somewhere that has perfectly cooked fries.

Somewhere that has a rich, full-

bodied sauce. I have tried the pepper sauce and the bernaise sauce.

Somewhere that has steak that is cooked to your specifications. Scrumptious steak that shouts eat me. That has perfect taste and aroma. We have tried both the rib eye steak and the bistro rump.

Every time we have been there the food is consistent. 

We know the minute we sit down that the food is guaranteed to be memorable, satisfying and filling.

ohh... they serve really good coffee.

Miller & Carter, Kidlington.  You need to visit.
